1. What is your name and where are you from?
Alina, 19, actually from Germany, but spending a year in Sweden now
2. How would you describe your blog and what kind of things does it consist of?
Up till now it has been mostly just pictures of my daily outfits, but I want to blog about make up and other stuff soon, too :)
3. How would you describe your personal style?Lots of black, elegant with an edge. It actually varies much, there are days where I just feel like letting out my inner rock star, haha!
4. What made you name your blog: "A Kingdom for a Dress?" Any specific reason? I always had a thing for dresses and sort of started collecting them, so I figured this describes my attitude towards them quite well
5. When did you start your blog and why? April 2010. I was almost done with school and quite bored, so at first it was just something to kill time with, ha!
6. When did you find out that you had a passion for fashion? I guess I always had. I began choosing what I wear myself when I was 7. The outcome was probably not that fashionable, but I always knew what I wanted it to look like, even back then.
7. Do you have any goals fashion-wise? Hm, let's see. I think it would be nice to have more readers on my blog and be sort of appreciated there. And I would love to work for a fashion magazine one day!
8. Who's style do you admire and why?I really like how Olivia Palermo dresses- edgy, feminine and it always looks so effortless!
9. Where can people contact you?My Twitter account (
twitter.com/thathipchick), I'm also on Bloglovin, IFB (heartifb.com) and of course my regular blog
my-kingdom-for-a-dress.blogspot.com9. Is there anything else you would like to say to readers?If you have 5 minutes left, please check out my blog, give me some feedback and I'll do the same you, if you have a blog as well! You can also follow me on Twitter if you like random tweets mixed with fashion! :D xoxo!